People working together at laptops

Page Headline

Scott Sinclair subhead

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus egestas tellus vel ullamcorper. Donec non vestibulum orci. Etiam vitae nibh scelerisque, commodo libero non, semper lectus. Mauris vel egestas diam. Integer mi tortor, varius vel elit in, suscipit pretium sem.

Want to learn about Scott’s businesses?

Sinclair Range

Over 300 Companies Supported

30 Years of Investment and Merchant Banking
Over $25 Billion in Transaction Value

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Image of business meeting

Section Title

Section subhead

Regardless of where you find yourself as a business owner, there is always an opportunity for a turnaround – strategic shifts in the business that increase efficiency, profitability and your quality of life as the owner. It’s just a matter of how bad things are that dictates the challenges you’re currently facing and ultimately your turnaround strategy.

After working in the turnaround industry for 30+ years and supporting over 100+ companies, I’ve seen and experienced the struggles of business owners. This first-hand experience is what allowed me to see a pattern in how to turn around businesses and create a process for you to do the same.

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My Winning Momentum Method in grounded in the fact that no matter where you find yourself on the turnaround spectrum, there are three keys to building a purposeful and profitable business and transparency and trust are at the core of this work.

  1. Personal Aspect
  2. Organizational Aspect
  3. Business Best Practices (Pocket MBA)

Courses Section Headline

Brief text describing the courses offered. consectetur adipiscing elit. tempor dui. Maecenas non placerat mi. Morbi in turpis ac purus

Image of students in class

First step to profit

Class Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus egestas tellus vel ullamcorper. Donec non vestibulum orci. Etiam vitae nibh scelerisque, commodo libero non, semper lectus. Mauris vel egestas diam. Integer mi tortor, varius vel elit in, suscipit pretium sem.

Image of students in class

Second step to profit

Class Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus egestas tellus vel ullamcorper. Donec non vestibulum orci. Etiam vitae nibh scelerisque, commodo libero non, semper lectus. Mauris vel egestas diam. Integer mi tortor, varius vel elit in, suscipit pretium sem.

Image of students in class

Third step to profit

Class Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus egestas tellus vel ullamcorper. Donec non vestibulum orci. Etiam vitae nibh scelerisque, commodo libero non, semper lectus. Mauris vel egestas diam. Integer mi tortor, varius vel elit in, suscipit pretium sem.

Person using a laptop

Academy Headline

Subhead Goes Here

Bacon ipsum dolor amet hamburger shank short loin frankfurter capicola chislic chuck jerky beef ribs salami venison bresaola. Beef ribs rump venison ribeye spare ribs sirloin. Fatback tri-tip hamburger venison boudin chislic, tongue turkey pork chop cow short loin pork loin ham. Capicola jerky brisket, short loin picanha turkey chislic sirloin flank bresaola chicken drumstick biltong hamburger

What Clients Are Saying
Thanks so much for your brilliant talk last eve at Fernie Distillery. You captivated us all with your expertise in the business field that I’m sure saved some businesses, and put the rest of us in a better focus. Your real-life examples were super helpful, and the pp was a good visual summary. Thanks again for the 3 tips-super helpful!
Fernie BC Speaking Event November 2023 Attendee
What Clients Are Saying

Scott and the team at Sinclair Range helped me navigate through a hard time and unfortunate situation that I found myself in, dealing with a failing company. Scott’s knowledge and ability of restructuring companies and dealing with the problems associated, provided an opportunity to retain skilled and loyal employees as well as maintain client relationships through recessionary conditions. The entire experience provided me with an education that I really didn’t want but I believe will be very beneficial in future business ventures. 

Turnaround Client
What Clients Are Saying

Scott was completely professional. He understood our need for a reasonable interim financing deal and the timeliness. He did as promised and delivered on time and managed the interests of both parties in a very professional way. We continue to do business with Scott and I would recommend him highly for any financial solution the requires smart, problem solving and a deft customer service touch.

Turnaround Client
What Clients Are Saying

Scott and Sinclair Range saved us from certain bankruptcy.  We were able to negotiate with our bank, restructure our payments, refinance and turn profitable.  It was such a painful and long fight for us but, in the end, we saved the business and jobs.  Thank you. 

Turnaround Client


Text describing media – consectetur adipiscing elit. tempor dui.
Maecenas non placerat mi. Morbi in turpis ac purus

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Get started with your business turnaround today using the method that works best for you.

Image of students in class

Offering 1

Pathway to Profit Academy

My online academy provides on-demand courses…

Image of students in class

Offering 2

Pathway to Profit Academy

My online academy provides on-demand courses…

Image of students in class

Offering 3

Pathway to Profit Academy

My online academy provides on-demand courses…

Image of microphone

Headline Text Goes Here

Subhead text goes here

As a turnaround expert and investor, he challenges and inspires people to become honest about who they are, guides them to make necessary change and mentors them to realize results.

Image of business meeting

About Scott

Scott Sinclair subhead

As a turnaround expert and investor, he challenges and inspires people to become honest about who they are, guides them to make necessary change and mentors them to realize results. As a part of that mission, Scott has taken years of formal training, setbacks, life lessons, reinvention and successes and distills them into simple yet effective lessons to help anyone live a purposeful and abundant life.

Section Subheadline

Speaking Overview Headline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut ero labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco poriti laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in uienply voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat

  • Bullet Point
  • Bullet Point
  • Bullet Point
Section Subheadline

Speaking Section Headline

Brief text describing Scott’s public speaking. consectetur adipiscing elit. tempor dui.
Maecenas non placerat mi. Morbi in turpis ac purus hendrerit vehicula. Mauris sit
amet imperdiet purus, non auctor.

Let’s Stay Connected…

Connect with Scott on social to receive daily insights on business turnaround strategies.

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Pre-sale Process

Step 1: Schedule Free Call
Enter your information as the first step to schedule your free call. You will be immediately redirected to our online scheduling software where you can select a day and time that works for us both.

Step 2: Initial Benefit Statement
Short description of value they will receive on the free call.

Step 3: Additional Benefit Statement
Short description of decision they will be able to make to start working with you.

Media stat about scott

Brief text describing the courses offered. consectetur adipiscing elit. tempor dui. Maecenas non placerat mi. Morbi in turpis ac purus hendrerit vehicula. Mauris sit amet imperdiet purus,
non auctor.

Image of students in class

First step to profit

Class Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus egestas tellus vel ullamcorper. Donec non vestibulum orci. Etiam vitae nibh scelerisque, commodo libero non, semper lectus. Mauris vel egestas diam. Integer mi tortor, varius vel elit in, suscipit pretium sem.

Image of students in class

Second step to profit

Class Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus egestas tellus vel ullamcorper. Donec non vestibulum orci. Etiam vitae nibh scelerisque, commodo libero non, semper lectus. Mauris vel egestas diam. Integer mi tortor, varius vel elit in, suscipit pretium sem.

Image of students in class

Third step to profit

Class Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus egestas tellus vel ullamcorper. Donec non vestibulum orci. Etiam vitae nibh scelerisque, commodo libero non, semper lectus. Mauris vel egestas diam. Integer mi tortor, varius vel elit in, suscipit pretium sem.


1. Package Element 1: 8-Module Online Course
a. 1-2 sentence description

2. Package Element 2: Course Workbook
b. 1-2 sentence description

3. Package Element 3: Course Toolset
c. 1-2 sentence description

4. Package Element 4: Private Online Community
d. 1-2 sentence description

5. Package Element 5: BONUS: 1-Hour Strategy Session with Scott
e. 1-2 sentence description

Offer ElementRetail Value
8-Module Course Online$3,999.00
Course Workbook$999.00
Course Toolset$799.00
Private Online Community$99.00
BONUS: 1-Hour Strategy Session with Scott $1,499.00
Total Retail Value$5,896.00
Your Price $1,999.00

Prevent, Perspective Title

Section Subhead

Copy on preventing pain of not doing this.

Copy on perspective on other ways to try and create change and why they aren’t as good as buying the academy.

Media Inquiry Form

To request an interview with Scott Sinclair, enter your information within this form.

Great Scott! Let’s get this ball rolling.

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